Trumbull Libertarians, supported by the Libertarian Parties of New Haven County and Fairfield County, are organizing a volunteer event on May 16 to clean Trumbull parks. All are welcome to join us at 12:00 to spend an afternoon cleaning our parks as community service. Garbage bags and disposable gloves will be provided to those who want to help pick up trash. Those with their own tools may want to help with pulling weeds, removing invasive species from the forest floor, or sawing trees that have fallen onto public hiking trails. Parking at Kaatz Pond on Teller Road will be available to both residents and non-residents and is adjacent to other parks along Whitney Avenue.
May 16, 2021 at 12:00pm - 3pm
Trumbull Public Parks and Streets
10 Teller Rd
Trumbull, CT 06611
United States
Google map and directions
10 Teller Rd
Trumbull, CT 06611
United States
Google map and directions
Steve Dincher
· 7175124705

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