The Libertarian Party of Connecticut encourages and pursues the following for the General Assembly:
School Choice
- Connecticut can still meet its obligation to provide an education to all K-12 students while incorporating mechanisms of a competitive market. This means eliminating educational mandates that have no relationship with education itself and allowing more local control of schools. This also requires eliminating the unnecessary and unequal Educational Cost Sharing Formula and replacing it with one where the share per student is identical regardless of your town. Parents and the Boards of Education they elect should determine how the money is spent.
Eminent Domain Reform
- As the home state of Kelo v. New London, Connecticut should be ashamed to not have resolved the issue of taking private property for private use through legislative means. This practice must be prohibited to secure basic property rights and discourage arbitrary use of government power. Connecticut residents deserve to be secure on their property without the fear that opportunistic government officials and politically connected businesses can repossess owners' land against their will.
Electoral Reform
- As the democracy only in the world that is still governed by two parties, it is time for Americans to move past the archaic practices that lead to two-party domination. Modifications to electoral rules through alternative voting methods will permit a greater range of voices to be heard by governments and more accurately reflect the interests of Connecticut residents. A more proportional electoral system is essential to achieve quality representation that will better preserve the health of our democracy.
Personal Choice and Privacy
- Libertarianism, or the presumption of personal freedom, is grounded upon the right and the capacity for individuals to make their own decisions without permission from the state. Personal rights and responsibilities are derived from self-ownership. It follows from this basis that peaceful property owners, consumers, and businesses should be left to pursue their own interests without the burden of extensive licensure, prohibition and regulation.
Fiscal Responsibility
- The annual bipartisan budget crises faced by the General Assembly are not sustainable. Hartford should reassess the extent of services that require central provision and allow others to be privatized or decentralized. Special attention must be paid to avoid tax increases and burdensome local mandates, which would minimize disruption to the local economy. We must responsibly negotiate public sector union contracts. This enables a more predictable, sustainable long-term budget.
Criminal Justice
- Criminal penalties should be confined to acts of fraud, violence, and property crime. The criminal justice system in Connecticut exists to secure everyone's equal rights to life, liberty, and property. It is not a means to manage personal behaviors or acquire revenue. Legislative initiatives must be taken to reduce the scope of police powers and explore alternatives to incarceration for minor crimes and first offenders. The purpose of any just system of criminal justice is deterrence, prevention, restitution directly to victims, and rehabilitation.
Juvenile and Family Court Reform
- The State should not be dividing families. It should not be providing financial incentives to State agencies and attorneys for dividing families. Juvenile proceedings should be the last resort, expeditious and honor due process rights and civil liberties of all parties, who have a right to be heard and their day in court. Victims of abuse of the Family Courts and Juvenile Justice System have a right to redress. The financial incentives for abuse of the family court system need to end.
Healthcare Reform
- Healthcare transactions should be transparent, free from government mandates, and occur voluntarily between the patient and provider to reduce costs and increase accessibility. Insurance companies and governments do not provide healthcare - doctors and providers do. Prices should be transparent, published upfront, and not change regardless of method of payment. Treatment decisions should be left up to doctors and patients giving informed consent alone - not governments and insurance companies who are not the customer. The direct-to-primary care model adopted by the Surgery Center of Oklahoma is an example of the type of structure and payment model we advocate to reduce ever-increasing healthcare expenses caused by Democrats and Republicans.